Welcome to the Ardgour Glensanda Development Trust Site

The Ardgour Area Fund was established in 2013 as a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO) to manage and disseminate the community benefit of £25,000 per year from Glensanda Quarry. 

In 2023, the Trustees took the decision to become a Development Trust which enabled trustees to attract and manage funds themselves for the benefit of the community. To begin the process, we employed an experienced town planner to develop and register the local place plan for our area which enabled the community at large to be involved in deciding priorities for the way forward. The process in developing and completing the place plan can be viewed here Place Plan Process

Over the previous 8 years we have awarded over £200,000 to a range of community organisations to promote a wide range of sustainable development within our rural communities. At the present time the granting of individual community awards is on hold while the community benefit on which we rely is under re-negotiation.

Ardgour Community Council residents over 16 are eligible. There is no fee for membership!

News from the last meeting

The Trustees met on Wednesday 13th November for the quarterly meeting.

We are pleased to say that work on the place plan priorities is ongoing and our Development Officer, James Hilder, has a number of irons in the fire. More new on outcomes as things progress.

Trustees were asked to agree changes to the constitution to conform to funders. This is still to be finalised.

A broad discussion was held on parameters for some of the work being undertaken with everyone contributing.

We are still awaiting confirmation from Aggregate Industries on the continuation of the community benefit payments, so unfortunately have not discussed the future of grant funding to local groups which is currently in abeyance

Ardgour Glensanda Development Trust

May 24 AGM and Trustee Meetings update


The AGM of the Trust was held on 8th May.  While no members of the public were present, we were happy to accept the re-election of two of our long standing trustees, Ian Jackson and Michael Foxley.  There was no change to the formation of the Committee with all members being re-elected to their existing positions.


Following the AGM the Trustees met for their May quarterly meeting to continue business


We are delighted to say that the Ardgour Place Plan has now been formally registered with the Highland Council and can be viewed on the Highland Council website.


The Development Officer post has been successfully filled and we are delighted to welcome James Hilder to the team. The post is initially for 1 year with the hope of continuing funding being available.

Regular updates are being provided to the trustees as the work on Place Plan priorities begins.

This post is part funded by the Community Regeneration Fund.