The draft plan

This page refers to the draft Plan published in autumn 2023. That draft is now out of date. See the home page for more information.

Lots of ideas were suggested and discussed during 2023. As well as the community survey in April, we’ve had drop-in events, community workshops, schools visits and lots of other conversations. Find out more here.

images and infographic about community engagement for the plan: 650 website visitors, 169 survey responses, 150 e-bulletin subscribers, 100 participants at 5 community drop-ins and workshops, 6 school sessions, 40 businesses and groups contacted....

All that work led to a draft Plan, which was published for the community to review in November 2023 for six weeks. You can see the draft Plan lower down this page.

The draft Plan was then updated as explained in this Consultation Report, which contains a summary of everyone’s comments and explains how they influenced the final Plan.

The Community Council considered the updated Plan and the Consultation Report at its public meeting on the evening of 11th January 2024. It was agreed that some small but importnant changes would be made to the housing section of the Plan before it is submitted to the Highland Council for registration on behalf of the community.

What was in the draft plan?

Click on either image below to see the 2 page summary of the draft Plan:

And click on the image below to see the full version of the draft Plan:

Remember, those drafts are now out of date!

You can see a summary of the comments received on the draft Plan here, and the finalised Plan here. (See the bottom of the About page for more information. )